Statistics & Research about Abingdon,VA - Cse Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Abingdon,VA an area served by Cse Agency

Phone : 276-628-4121

Real estate research for area nearby Cse Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wilson 153,700 692 5.4
Western 90,200 588 7.8
Mountain City 117,000 508 5.2
Cleveland 70,000 408 7.0
Horse Creek 88100 NA NA
Glade Spring 89,200 671 9.0
Castlewood 69,500 490 8.5
Russell County 89,800 500 6.7
Hurricane 34700 NA NA
Richlands 99,100 540 6.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Cse Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wilson 624
Western 1189
Mountain City 278
Cleveland 107
Horse Creek 129
Glade Spring 180
Castlewood 1380
Russell County 4683
Hurricane 66
Richlands 957
Laurel 60
Harrison 1597
Lebanon 1942
St. Paul 137
Seven Mile Ford 101

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Cse Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Wilson 2011
Western 2083
Mountain City 620
Cleveland 61
Horse Creek 184
Glade Spring 393
Castlewood 1674
Russell County 6408
Hurricane 132
Richlands 1257
Laurel 59
Harrison 1486
Lebanon 3019
St. Paul 304
Seven Mile Ford 113

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Cse Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Wilson 135
Western 135
Mountain City 18
Horse Creek 13
Glade Spring 16
Castlewood 19
Russell County 262
Richlands 24
Harrison 147
Lebanon 149
St. Paul 8

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Cse Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Wilson 171400
Western 82600
Mountain City 103100
Cleveland 50000
Horse Creek 81900
Glade Spring 87300
Castlewood 68400
Russell County 80400
Hurricane 405000
Richlands 86000
Laurel 60500
Harrison 145500
Lebanon 108700
St. Paul 112500