Statistics & Research about Independence,VA - D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Independence,VA an area served by D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 276-773-2531

Real estate research for area nearby D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pleasant Hill 116,800 570 5.9
Walnut Hill 133,700 585 5.3
Obids 158,400 681 5.2
Park 82,900 562 8.1
Traphill 95,800 673 8.4
Max Meadows 70200 NA NA
Speedwell 88,100 618 8.4
Fries 92,700 295 3.8
Galax 107,000 471 5.3
Royal Oak 88,500 523 7.1

Number of old houses in places near by D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Pleasant Hill 153100
Walnut Hill 52900
Park 170800
Traphill 120700
Max Meadows 23900
Speedwell 81400
Fries 102300
Galax 62000
Royal Oak 82900
Hillsville 129200
Piper Gap 78500
Surry County 87300
Prathers Creek 145700

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Pleasant Hill 99
Obids 36
Park 245
Traphill 98
Speedwell 118
Fries 32
Galax 454
Royal Oak 146
Hillsville 265
Piper Gap 144
Glade Creek 45
Surry County 1727
Prathers Creek 45

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Walnut Hill 226300
Obids 93300
Park 33600
Traphill 113600
Speedwell 80400
Galax 160700
Royal Oak 144300
Hillsville 99600
Piper Gap 108300
Glade Creek 301700
Surry County 160800
Prathers Creek 246700

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by D S Wright Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Walnut Hill 135000
Obids 131700
Park 159100
Traphill 37500
Speedwell 144200
Galax 149200
Royal Oak 133100
Hillsville 161400
Piper Gap 76500
Glade Creek 228600
Surry County 91900
Prathers Creek 141300