Statistics & Research about Daleville,VA - Derek Wiley Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Daleville,VA an area served by Derek Wiley Agency Inc

Phone : 540-613-8223

Real estate research for area nearby Derek Wiley Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Daleville 269,400 783 3.5
Clifton Forge East 112,100 491 5.3
Blackwater 153,200 647 5.1
Selma 33800 NA NA
New Castle 121,500 514 5.1
Craig Creek 172,400 597 4.2
Iron Gate 71,900 975 16.3
Windsor Hills 229,600 822 4.3
Peaks 150,000 684 5.5
Callaghan 134700 NA NA

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Derek Wiley Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Daleville 138
Clifton Forge East 245
Blackwater 926
Selma 57
New Castle 83
Craig Creek 249
Iron Gate 45
Windsor Hills 1231
Peaks 998
Boiling Springs 255
Cloverdale 228
Union Hall 1093
Glenvar 103
Hollins 1488

Number of old houses in places near by Derek Wiley Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Clifton Forge East 93900
Blackwater 167000
Selma 27300
New Castle 175000
Craig Creek 194400
Iron Gate 65000
Windsor Hills 215400
Peaks 120500
Boiling Springs 113900
Union Hall 185800
Hollins 178500

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Derek Wiley Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Daleville 294
Clifton Forge East 150
Blackwater 478
Selma 13
New Castle 76
Craig Creek 97
Iron Gate 17
Windsor Hills 2506
Peaks 395
Callaghan 7
Boiling Springs 115
Cloverdale 519
Union Hall 945
Glenvar 28
Hollins 1911