Statistics & Research about Rustburg,VA - Great Bridge Financial Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Rustburg,VA an area served by Great Bridge Financial Inc

Phone : 434-609-4262

Car dealers nearby Great Bridge Financial Inc

Bugg Motor Co

Phone: 434-821-2431

Real estate research for area nearby Great Bridge Financial Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brookneal 106,500 537 6.1
Big Island 66300 NA NA
Amherst 164,700 506 3.7
Campbell County 146,800 635 5.2
Bedford County 195,300 709 4.4
Charlotte County 98,900 568 6.9
Appomattox 131,400 532 4.9
Madison Heights 140,100 646 5.5
Amherst County 151,800 637 5.0
Appomattox County 145,200 562 4.6

Number of old houses in places near by Great Bridge Financial Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Brookneal 105600
Big Island 61000
Amherst 153600
Campbell County 129400
Bedford County 145200
Charlotte County 125000
Appomattox 270000
Madison Heights 90100
Amherst County 144600
Appomattox County 241700
Concord 145700
Midway 34100
Forest 93700
Phenix 115000

Number of vacant houses in places near by Great Bridge Financial Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Brookneal 656
Big Island 8
Amherst 74
Campbell County 3180
Bedford County 4974
Charlotte County 1461
Appomattox 111
Madison Heights 225
Amherst County 1289
Appomattox County 1001
Concord 419
Midway 132
Forest 117
Phenix 14
Motley 31

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Great Bridge Financial Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Brookneal 115
Amherst 23
Campbell County 647
Bedford County 1290
Charlotte County 339
Appomattox 44
Madison Heights 120
Amherst County 300
Appomattox County 128
Concord 56
Midway 7
Forest 160
Motley 5

Number of new houses in places near by Great Bridge Financial Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Campbell County 219400
Bedford County 291700
Amherst County 325900
Appomattox County 401900
Forest 557300