Statistics & Research about Martinsville,VA - Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Martinsville,VA an area served by Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Phone : 276-638-3733

Car dealers nearby Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Nelson Ford Inc

NELSON FORD INC, 201 Commonwealth Blvd., Martinsville, VA 24112, (888) 869-3167
Phone: (888) 869-3167

D & B Auto Sales & Service

Phone: 276-638-8681

Real estate research for area nearby Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Danville 89,500 598 8.0
Stokes County 121,000 584 5.8
Wentworth 116,700 577 5.9
Pelham 93,600 586 7.5
Mayodan 80,900 571 8.5
Smith River 109,200 427 4.7
Danbury 92,900 422 5.5
Union Hall 190,700 584 3.7
Snow Creek 99,500 526 6.3
Bassett 95,900 484 6.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Danville 7982
Stokes County 5924
Wentworth 1084
Pelham 507
Mayodan 646
Smith River 853
Danbury 242
Union Hall 1093
Snow Creek 295
Bassett 204
North Shore 815
Patrick Springs 314
Beaver Island 519
Rockingham County 14046
Stoneville 271

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Danville 95600
Stokes County 113100
Wentworth 116100
Pelham 105900
Mayodan 79000
Smith River 108000
Danbury 95300
Union Hall 171500
Snow Creek 89000
Bassett 66700
Patrick Springs 139200
Beaver Island 94800
Rockingham County 93300
Stoneville 73500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Danville 8129
Stokes County 12613
Wentworth 2287
Pelham 763
Mayodan 379
Smith River 799
Danbury 286
Union Hall 2713
Snow Creek 929
Bassett 237
North Shore 1024
Patrick Springs 394
Beaver Island 744
Rockingham County 21982
Stoneville 314

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Hogue Insurance Agencies Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Danville 2742
Stokes County 1995
Wentworth 443
Pelham 155
Mayodan 56
Smith River 146
Danbury 33
Union Hall 945
Snow Creek 151
Bassett 58
North Shore 379
Patrick Springs 150
Beaver Island 118
Rockingham County 3999
Stoneville 34