Statistics & Research about Danville,VA - Lavinder Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Danville,VA an area served by Lavinder Group Inc

Phone : 434-792-4244

Real estate research for area nearby Lavinder Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Milton 94,000 427 5.5
Pelham 93,600 586 7.5
Halifax 148,100 665 5.4
Martinsville 88,300 560 7.6
Ruffin 104,800 627 7.2
Altamahaw 100600 NA NA
Ridgeway 89,700 580 7.8
Wentworth 116,700 577 5.9
Stoneville 79,900 565 8.5
Westover 118,200 637 6.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Lavinder Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Milton 232
Pelham 507
Halifax 144
Martinsville 2337
Ruffin 661
Altamahaw 24
Ridgeway 1486
Wentworth 1084
Stoneville 271
Westover 1315
Reidsville 3430
Villa Heights 162
Iriswood 1207
Woodsdale 213
Dan River 438

Number of whites in places near by Lavinder Group Inc

Place name Number of whites
Milton 1290
Pelham 2673
Halifax 745
Martinsville 6803
Ruffin 4826
Altamahaw 360
Ridgeway 7608
Wentworth 7542
Stoneville 956
Westover 8004
Reidsville 11422
Villa Heights 553
Iriswood 5322
Woodsdale 1124
Dan River 1672

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Lavinder Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Milton 228
Pelham 155
Halifax 107
Martinsville 1107
Ruffin 204
Ridgeway 464
Wentworth 443
Stoneville 34
Westover 587
Reidsville 777
Iriswood 516
Woodsdale 45
Dan River 148

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Lavinder Group Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Milton 61200
Pelham 90400
Halifax 265600
Martinsville 76300
Ruffin 112200
Ridgeway 96800
Wentworth 96000
Stoneville 23800
Westover 140400
Reidsville 104300
Iriswood 112500
Woodsdale 128300
Dan River 70000