Statistics & Research about Altavista,VA - Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Altavista,VA an area served by Messinger Ins Agency Inc

616 Campbell Avenue

Car dealers nearby Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Altavista Motors

Phone: 1-866-717-2443

Real estate research for area nearby Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Campbell County 146,800 635 5.2
Westlake Corner 489700 NA NA
Nathalie 58000 NA NA
Midway 121,000 638 6.3
Banister 89,500 605 8.1
Chatham 136,700 628 5.5
Madison Heights 140,100 646 5.5
Bedford 140,200 648 5.5
Falling River 141,900 550 4.7
Sunburst 161,500 747 5.6

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Campbell County 182800
Westlake Corner 493800
Midway 122100
Banister 122600
Madison Heights 196500
Bedford 160300
Falling River 147900
Sunburst 125000
Forest 306700
Hurt 195800
Wreck Island 169400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Campbell County 12215
Westlake Corner 314
Nathalie 75
Midway 253
Banister 1986
Chatham 215
Madison Heights 2276
Bedford 1297
Falling River 806
Sunburst 1789
Forest 1533
Gretna 240
Motley 277
Hurt 354
Wreck Island 640

Number of blacks in places near by Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Campbell County 7938
Nathalie 304
Midway 8
Banister 5133
Chatham 261
Madison Heights 2423
Bedford 1314
Falling River 509
Sunburst 629
Forest 808
Gretna 385
Motley 339
Hurt 182
Wreck Island 760

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Messinger Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Campbell County 3490
Westlake Corner 180
Nathalie 36
Midway 27
Banister 484
Chatham 115
Madison Heights 579
Bedford 462
Falling River 301
Sunburst 686
Forest 1043
Gretna 81
Motley 81
Hurt 109
Wreck Island 152