Statistics & Research about Bluefield,VA - Newton Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Bluefield,VA an area served by Newton Insurance Agency

Phone : 276-322-4681

Real estate research for area nearby Newton Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mercer County 77,300 549 8.5
Robinson 89,000 577 7.8
Peterstown 111,900 450 4.8
Glen Lyn 71,000 344 5.8
Rich Creek 99,900 424 5.1
Bramwell 54,200 481 10.6
Atkins 107,400 525 5.9
Park 82,900 562 8.1
Wytheville 132,600 572 5.2

Number of new houses in places near by Newton Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Mercer County 117400

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Newton Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mercer County 1671
Robinson 312
Peterstown 12
Glen Lyn 3
Rich Creek 45
Helen 57
Bramwell 5
Atkins 20
Park 245
Wytheville 323
Pocahontas 48
Rural Retreat 19
Southern 328
Anawalt 5

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Newton Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Mercer County 760
Robinson 133
Peterstown 9
Bramwell 16
Atkins 87
Park 76
Wytheville 160
Pocahontas 17
Rural Retreat 18
Vivian 14
Southern 150
Anawalt 14

Number of blacks in places near by Newton Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Mercer County 3566
Robinson 455
Rich Creek 6
Bramwell 26
Park 361
Wytheville 677
Pocahontas 78
Rural Retreat 8
Southern 304
Anawalt 18