Statistics & Research about Marion,VA - Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Marion,VA an area served by Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 276-782-1677

Car dealers nearby Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Family Ford Dodge


Real estate research for area nearby Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Atkins 107,400 525 5.9
Troutdale 75,000 565 9.0
Park 82,900 562 8.1
Meadow View 158,100 665 5.0
Marion 103,200 524 6.1
Sugar Grove 79,300 448 6.8
Wytheville 132,600 572 5.2
Smyth County 91,900 537 7.0
Northern 65,200 525 9.7
Gratton 81,100 390 5.8

Number of old houses in places near by Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Atkins 99200
Troutdale 125000
Park 170800
Meadow View 120000
Marion 163000
Sugar Grove 130600
Wytheville 99400
Smyth County 90200
Northern 50900
Northwestern 38300
Elk Creek 87500
Raven 33000
Horse Creek 107300

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Atkins 125000
Park 33600
Sugar Grove 75000
Wytheville 141500
Smyth County 107600
Northern 59600
Gratton 22900
Northwestern 63000
Chestnut Hill 305600
Elk Creek 184200
Raven 31800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Atkins 982
Troutdale 75
Park 948
Meadow View 127
Marion 916
Sugar Grove 156
Wytheville 1250
Smyth County 7261
Northern 2331
Gratton 169
Northwestern 1953
Chestnut Hill 386
Elk Creek 1097
Raven 707
Horse Creek 184

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Safenet Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Atkins 142500
Troutdale 65000
Park 75400
Meadow View 426300
Marion 200000
Sugar Grove 19800
Wytheville 155700
Smyth County 74300
Northern 76600
Gratton 137500
Northwestern 58300
Chestnut Hill 104000
Elk Creek 142200
Raven 56800
Horse Creek 81900