Statistics & Research about Fishersville,VA - Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Fishersville,VA an area served by Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Phone : 540-949-4417

Car dealers nearby Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Mostly Vans

Phone: 540-649-1405

Real estate research for area nearby Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Beverley Manor 150,400 733 5.8
Waynesboro 166,800 761 5.5
Ivy 570,200 992 2.1
Bridgewater 203,900 854 5.0
Charlottesville 286,400 983 4.1
Belmont Estates 280200 NA NA
Hollymead 327,800 1194 4.4
North River 221,700 709 3.8
Augusta Springs 39900 NA NA
Wayne 240,200 727 3.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Beverley Manor 1158
Waynesboro 3136
Ivy 45
Bridgewater 772
Charlottesville 6025
Belmont Estates 13
Hollymead 320
North River 1092
Augusta Springs 107
Wayne 961
Verona 479
Mount Sidney 56
Mount Crawford 46
White Hall 1267
Schuyler 17

Number of vacant houses in places near by Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Beverley Manor 274
Waynesboro 976
Bridgewater 171
Charlottesville 1892
Hollymead 98
North River 286
Augusta Springs 15
Wayne 359
Verona 94
Mount Sidney 13
Mount Crawford 16
White Hall 884
Schuyler 50

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Beverley Manor 157800
Waynesboro 157500
Bridgewater 305600
Charlottesville 250000
Belmont Estates 269200
Hollymead 339700
North River 245000
Wayne 252100
Verona 149800
White Hall 345200

Number of blacks in places near by Stonewall Grace Ins Services Of Virginia Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Beverley Manor 220
Waynesboro 2450
Ivy 150
Bridgewater 265
Charlottesville 8661
Hollymead 394
North River 107
Wayne 423
Verona 81
Mount Crawford 1
White Hall 678