Statistics & Research about Lebanon,VA - Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Here are some statistics & research about Lebanon,VA an area served by Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Phone : 276-889-2066

Car dealers nearby Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Bostic Ford


Real estate research for area nearby Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
South Grundy 110,300 488 5.3
Blountville 110,300 709 7.7
Cleveland 70,000 408 7.0
Western 90,200 588 7.8
Taylor 112,100 696 7.5
Clinchco 46,000 625 16.3
St. Paul 118,100 441 4.5
Garden 55,700 573 12.3
McMullin 105400 NA NA
Wilson 153,700 692 5.4

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
South Grundy 22
Blountville 19
Western 135
Taylor 128
St. Paul 8
Garden 26
McMullin 32
Wilson 135
Glade Spring 16
Raven 27
Abingdon 157
Cedar Bluff 20
Haysi 15

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
South Grundy 68400
Blountville 125900
Cleveland 9999
Western 80700
Taylor 95000
Clinchco 54300
St. Paul 123800
Garden 101400
McMullin 120500
Wilson 137700
Glade Spring 87100
Raven 80800
Abingdon 152000
Cedar Bluff 58800
Haysi 94500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
South Grundy 661
Blountville 556
Cleveland 61
Western 2083
Taylor 1966
Clinchco 121
St. Paul 304
Garden 991
McMullin 149
Wilson 2011
Glade Spring 393
Raven 707
Abingdon 1399
Cedar Bluff 266
Haysi 85

Number of old houses in places near by Swva Insurance Services Ltd

Place name Number of old houses
South Grundy 130600
Blountville 80600
Cleveland 59000
Western 89600
Taylor 160500
Clinchco 26500
St. Paul 69400
Garden 23800
Wilson 107100
Glade Spring 106300
Raven 33000
Abingdon 346100
Cedar Bluff 80300
Haysi 112500