Statistics & Research about Richlands,VA - Trustpoint Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Richlands,VA an area served by Trustpoint Insurance

Phone : 276-963-1021

Car dealers nearby Trustpoint Insurance

Ramey Automotive


Real estate research for area nearby Trustpoint Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kimball 28400 NA NA
Raven 67,900 590 10.4
McMullin 105400 NA NA
Smyth County 91,900 537 7.0
Vansant 87,200 295 4.1
Marion 103,200 524 6.1
South Grundy 110,300 488 5.3
Russell County 89,800 500 6.7
Washington County 133,800 615 5.5
Cedar Bluff 87,600 663 9.1

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Trustpoint Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Raven 84600
McMullin 81300
Smyth County 95200
Vansant 151600
Marion 115600
South Grundy 133000
Russell County 105200
Washington County 119400
Cedar Bluff 89600
Springville 49100
Sand Lick 60600
Castlewood 106500
North Elkin 37500

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Trustpoint Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Kimball 18300
Raven 80800
McMullin 120500
Smyth County 107400
Marion 152300
South Grundy 68400
Russell County 85500
Washington County 116800
Cedar Bluff 58800
Springville 206000
Sand Lick 91600
Castlewood 63200
North Elkin 21800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Trustpoint Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Kimball 3
Raven 27
McMullin 32
Smyth County 464
Marion 109
South Grundy 22
Russell County 262
Washington County 833
Cedar Bluff 20
Sand Lick 48
Castlewood 19
North Elkin 165

Number of blacks in places near by Trustpoint Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Kimball 173
Smyth County 641
Marion 524
South Grundy 278
Russell County 403
Washington County 692
Springville 113
Sand Lick 24
Castlewood 23
North Elkin 1308