Statistics & Research about Pulaski,VA - Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Here are some statistics & research about Pulaski,VA an area served by Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

16 E Main St # 70
Phone : (540) 980-3434

Car dealers nearby Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Duncan Suzuki

, Duncan Suzuki , 1001 East Main Street,Pulaski, VA, 24301 , Sales:540-980-6065
Phone: 540-980-6065

Real estate research for area nearby Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Oakvale 39,400 520 15.8
Bland County 98,700 533 6.5
Galax 107,000 471 5.3
Floyd 126,600 484 4.6
Christiansburg 176,100 755 5.1
East Wytheville 126,900 630 6.0
Athens 140,000 625 5.4
Belview 154,700 932 7.2
Narrows 84,600 550 7.8
Black Lick 114,100 603 6.3

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Bland County 113700
Galax 149200
Floyd 77200
Christiansburg 187300
East Wytheville 123600
Belview 100800
Narrows 90000
Black Lick 116100
Giles County 89300
Laurel Fork 133300
Little River 136700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Oakvale 1
Bland County 41
Galax 142
Floyd 1
Christiansburg 241
East Wytheville 131
Athens 8
Belview 12
Narrows 49
Black Lick 86
Giles County 342
Laurel Fork 32
Little River 86

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Bland County 153400
Galax 160700
Floyd 430000
Christiansburg 202300
East Wytheville 140500
Athens 146900
Belview 188800
Black Lick 96300
Giles County 189100
Plum Creek 107100
Laurel Fork 88600
Little River 226800

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Williams-Gaughan Ins Agcy

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Bland County 77700
Galax 205900
Floyd 185400
Christiansburg 185200
East Wytheville 85000
Belview 146900
Narrows 87000
Black Lick 145500
Giles County 105300
Plum Creek 19700
Laurel Fork 156500
Max Meadows 77900
Little River 204000